Thursday, October 19, 2017

Checking in - What do you think?

This is a follow up on A Day In The Life Of A Hemodialysis patient, fluid restrictions challenge. Please leave comments if you tried part or all of it. I'd love to know your thoughts. 

What else do you want to know about next??? Let me know in the comments questions you have or what information you would find useful. 

In case you missed it, here's the challenge I'm referring to. 

Friday, September 29, 2017

To Be Positive or Not to Be Positive, that is the question

Many people try to always stay positive no matter what. This is used to be my attitude to get through life then Terry lost his kidneys and everything changed. 

I tried to stay positive but I've learned over the last 18 years of his dialysis treatments and a failed kidney transplant that sometimes life sucks and it's okay to admit it and react to it. There are good days and bad days then there are really bad days. The kind of days that make us want to crawl out of our skin or makes me want to ball till my eyes swell shut. 

Then there are times when we laugh even though the shit has hit the fan. That is Terry coping mechanism and I've embraced it. He makes me laugh sometimes so hard that I cry. When the going gets tough his jokes and humor get better. 

We both have bad days, thank God they're usually not at the same time! We allow it, embrace the suck and know that tomorrow is a new day. These feelings can't be ignored, since his early 20s Terry has battled renal failure. It is not easy and it is not easy for me watch. Our lives as a young married couple just starting our family was forever changed. Yes, it has challenged, taught and strengthen us...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger..all that jazz.  At the same time it has robbed us of what we thought our lives would be. All of our dreams and ambitions seemed so much farther away.

To be honest, sometimes I can't look at our wedding's just to hard, I'll lose it. Don't get me wrong, I thank God that I didn't lose Terry in our 20s. We've had some great times togeather, one of them being our youngest child. 

I guess the goal beside just keep going is to let out the emotions as they come and they always come. Let them out instead of dwelling on them or hiding them. Letting them out hurts at the time but it is freeing and makes room for an inner peace that's hard to explain, I know many of you have felt it. 

When the fear comes or thoughts of what I'll do without the love of my life, I let them go and bring my attention to the now. I enjoy every moment I have with him, no use in worrying about when I'll lose him. Nor to spend every extra moment tryinh to champion for a kidney donor. God willing we'll find a match for Terry to give him his best chance and quality of life.

This to shall pass....has a whole new meaning to us now. ❤

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

A day in a life of a dialysis patient - Fluid restrictions part 1

This video is one of a series to help folks understand the challenges that dialysis patients live with.

Please share!
#ShareYourSpare #DonateLife #BeAHero

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Challenge for you

Coming soon.... Challenges to give folks a new perspective of a day in the life of a kidney patient...stay tuned, I'll post more details soon!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Statistics about Kidney Transplants

Shocking Statistics about Kidney Transplants

  • According to UCLA, If just 0.5 percent of the nation’s adults became living kidney donors, the kidney transplant waiting list would be wiped out 15 times over.
  • There are over 100,000 people waiting for a Kidney Transplant 
  • Approximately, 4,500 people die every year waiting for a Kidney Transplant
  • Only 16,000 people get Kidney Transplants every year in the United States
  • Of the 16,000 annual Kidney Transplants, as many as 40% of them (or 6,400) come from Living Kidney Donors. 
  • Average national wait time for a Kidney Transplant is 5 to 7 years

Reference used:

Friday, September 8, 2017

Campaign To Save Terry

Details for Donation:

Terry is type B, if the potential kidney donor is not a compatible blood type, Paired Donation is an option. Please share! If interested, please call 720-754-2155.
More details on living kidney donation.

Please listen, like and share my video:

Why a living kidney donor?

Dialysis is only a temporary solution. Treatment schedules are time-consuming, Terry's is 4 hrs 15 minutes treatments  3 times a week. While a patient can remain on dialysis for many years, it is not a cure for kidney disease. In fact, ten percent of patients on dialysis die each year while awaiting a kidney transplant. For some groups, such as elderly patients and patients with diabetes, there is an even greater risk. Many patients develop complications that disqualify them from the deceased donor list.

The best option for a patient waiting for a kidney is to receive one from a living donor:

Wait times for patients with living kidney donors are reduced from years to months. Reducing time on dialysis and the complications it can cause.

Transplant recipients have better outcomes with kidneys from living donors.

Kidneys transplanted from living donors may last nearly twice as long as kidneys from deceased donors.

Checking in - What do you think?

This is a follow up on A Day In The Life Of A Hemodialysis patient, fluid restrictions challenge. Please leave comments if you tried part or...